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Wolverine Wipe Out!

January 26, 2022, Glennallen boys traveled here to Tok School to compete against the Tok High School Boys Basketball team. They closed off the gym to any spectators due to covid, although they had it open to only students. As it was open to students no one really showed up other than the Tok High School Girls Basketball Team. The game started off tight and loud, though out the game the boys were losing their confidence after the second haft. They didn’t say anything but I and many others saw that they had been dropping their “game”. The boys put up a good fight all through the game. Unfortunately, they had lost the game. There was a moment in the game where everyone on the Boys’ team and the crowds was excited and happy for the shot Boots (James) from Tetlin had made. Everyone was screaming for him to take the shot and he did! He was standing at the red line on the court, he shot the basketball probably thinking he was going to miss, but HE MADE IT! Everyone stood up and screamed “good job”, “YES!”. Good job Boys Basketball Team!

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