The library is a calm place that many students like to enjoy for some peace and quiet. The library is open Tuesdays through Thursdays. Up until recently students ( high schoolers and middle school) were able to go to the library during lunch, students are no longer able to go into the library during that time. This is a conflict for secondary students who do not have a scheduled time for the library.
A library is a place that is comforting for students, and it would have been nice to study there with Finals this week. I, personally, have used the library to study for upcoming tests and or just to get away from all the noise in the lunchroom. Since the library is not open to secondary during lunch the kids only have two options on where to go, the lunch room and the gym. For me, the lunch room is to only be in there until you are done eating and leave but to go into the humid, armpit-infested smell of the gym right after eating is displeasing.
The library is a place for everyone, not just elementary students. Everyone should be able to access the library when it is appropriate. I have a proposal in favor of helping the students out while also helping out the staff. First, students who need extra time or assistance raising their grades should only be able to study in there and not play games, etc. Second, students who know how to be quiet in the library should have priority over obnoxiously loud students.