On January 24 2025, the Tok home games were canceled and are now being rescheduled. Many of the players either were sad or knew it was going to be canceled.
Ally Demit, one of the girls basketball players, “was sooooo sad,” she said, when she heard that the games were canceled. If the games weren’t canceled, she thinks that the Tok girls were going to win. Because “we’re better,” she said. The Glennallen games are tomorrow and she thinks those games are going to be cancled since the roads are bad. She simply shrugged when she was asked when the games are going to be rescheduled.
Cheyanne Hipp, one of the girls basketball players, wasn’t really surprised when she heard that the games were canceled since she knew that the roads were bad. She thinks that the girls are going to win since they’ve been winning, “but since we havent practiced much… uhhhhh, no,” she said. She hopes that the Glennallen games aren’t canceled. She thinks that the games are going to be rescheduled some time after the week of Richard Fraser.
Be ready to show your support at the Tok home game tomorrow…IF the games aren’t canceled.
News about the Glennallen games will be posted later on this week.