On January 11th the Tok elementary Hockey team traveled to Glenallan for a game. The team tried their best, but unfortunately lost with a score of 2 to 10. I interviewed two players on the team, Kensington Nelson and Lucas Erikson - as well as the goalie Oceana Tucker - about the game.
Kensington first explained how she thought the game went. “It was fun, but I was sad that we lost.” Next she talked about what she could have done differently to win the game: “Get the break away I almost got, ‘cause it would have been a goal.”
Lucas was next. He started out by talking about how he thought the game went: ”It was okay because I had fun.” Then he explained how the game could have gone better. He noted that “we could have hustled more.” Lastly, when asked what he could have done differently to win the game, he added that he could have “passed the puck more.“
Last but not least, Oceana, the team’s goalie, played her first full games! She was excited to say how the game went. “It was okay ‘cause it was fun!” She next talked about how the game could have gone better. ”I think I could have gone better because our team needs to work together more.” She also explained what she could have done differently to win: “I could have watched where the puck was going more.” Oceana did a great job for her first full game.
Overall, the team did their best and tried their hardest while playing. This game was a great opportunity for the team because they haven't played many games, so it helped them gain new hockey skills.