As this school year is coming to an end some students have expressed their feelings towards school. I asked three questions to kids all around the school and here is what I asked and what they answered with.
“Are you sad that the school year is coming to an end?”
Robert- Noooooo!
Tenyelle- No, I can't wait for this school year! It is horrible!
Shania- I'm sad that I won't see my friends daily but also glad because I don't need to stress or worry about teachers!
Autumn- Yes, just joking, no I'm not…
Chairo- No, bro I'm happy as [redacted]
Dewayne - I don’t know
Micaiah- Nah.
Zach- No not really
Tristan- Not really
Aiden- I don't know
Tryg- Yeah!
Dominic- Shakes head “No”
Melody-Yeah but I'm excited
Tasha- No
“What's one this you like about school and what's one thing you don't like about school?”
Chairo - Nothing and Everything.
Tenyelle - Basketball and a specific staff member
Rachel - Some people here and some of the staff.
Jeffrey- I like the people and I don't like the people.
Holly- I like seeing everyone every day, and I dislike doing math and biology.
“What's one thing you want the school to change?”
Ally- The time. Like how long school is, like, yearly, like, the school should be over.
Tenielle- The bathroom and get a new gym and get new jerseys.
Lucas H- The classrooms and the gym floor and the rims
Creede- Let high school go outside and let us go to the bathroom whenever we want and change the passing period to 5 minutes
Lucas L-The short days to be Fridays
Shania- Having the bathroom doors back, less “racist” people
Autumn- The people need to change and need to respect each other
So with that, this is how some students feel about the school and what their opinion here is.